Conceptional Photography & Film

New Territories    #   our claim is what we do

As creatives and visual  specialists we explore and define  New territories

We create and produce visual content, photographic campaigns, editorials, documentaries or videos.
Frank Kayser, is more than a photographer, filmmaker and storyteller, he has formed an ecosystem of experienced professionals for visual content creation and production. It enables clients to achieve what they envision.

Track&Rallye II

Track & Rallye is an Event hosted by PEC Hockenheimring
"Just go and Play" is the slogan and thats what it is for all participants
After a security briefing at PEC Hockenheimring one of the helicopters lifted
us to playground in a quarry 30 flight minutes away.12 Porsche 911 Dakar and a skilled team
of Porsche instructeurs where already waiting.A short intro of the car and two Hours of dusty drifting and thrilling offroad experinces followed.The way back to Hockenheim in a marvelous Porsche 911 GT3 RS was like flying.......

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Porsche Macan 4 // Singapore

magnifying sophisticated ultra modern. ... that is SINGAPORE

For Porsche, the new fully electric Macan is one of the most important vehicle model innovations in recent years. The company has great hope in its fully electric mid-size SUV.
The car was presented in Singapore in a spectacular world premiere
In an elaborate photo/film production Frank Kayser and his team created a new look for the Porsche Macan.
" an aesthetically touching film clip was created presents the vibrant, future-oriented metropolis of Singapore in many facets"..One of the most modern, exciting, cultured and up-and-coming metropolises in the world .
Since 1952, Porsche's own customer magazine Christophorus has been one of the world's highest-circulation publications with around half a million copies in 16 countries. We had the pleasure and task of producing the new Cover Story and a 5 minute film for the Porsche 9:11 online format. 8 tireless days of production in a

Our work Production Photography Filming Editing Music and Color Editing in Singapore

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Track & Rallye
Porsche 911 Dakar


from 25.January to 30.September 2024 at PEC

    with more than 80 large format Images

Porsche Experience Centre // Hockenheimring

The Porsche 911Dakar is a fun machine that offers borderline performance
in both rally and off-road mode
Track & Rally For more than 260 participants the opportunity to experience a superlative
event full of energy and
thrill on the race track and in the quarry.
In a multi-media image exhibition, we convey the pure pleasure and joy of the event
participants in pushing the
Porsche 911Dakar to its limits in rally and
off-road mode. Extraordinarily atmospheric images take visitors to the exhibition
on a journey.
Whether on the asphalt at the Hockenheimring in a Helicopter
or on the RallyCourse, a day full of fun and emotion.

Our work all Show planning and setting up // Fine Art Printing Framing // curating

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Essenz im Vonderau Museum Fulda

Essenz – Sterne der Rhön die Fine Art Show im Vonderau Museum Fulda

Essenz – Sterne der Rhön Ist ein Werk das in keine Schublade passt . Genau so verhält sich das mit der neuen Ausstellung welche momentan in Fuldas schönstem Museum auf 200qm verteilt über 2 Stockwerke zu sehen ist.

Die Ausstellung besticht durch ihre Varianz Natur ,Landschaft und Menschen werden großformatig in manchmal berührenden oft provokanten Bildern präsentiert. Frank Kayser zeigt seine Heimat aus völlig neuen Blickwinkeln. Er stimmt zum nachdenken an und nimmt uns mit auf eine wundervolle Reise durch eine so bislang nicht gesehene Landschaft. Er zeigt Menschen die die Ärmel hochkrempeln und Tradition mit Innovation verbinden. Die 4 Elemente Feuer ,Wasser, Erdeu und Luft gliedern die Ausstellung und übernehmen die Gliederung aus dem bereits mehrfach preisgekröhnten Buch Essenz – Sterne der Rhön.

Ausgezeichnet beim Type Directors Club NewYork , ADC ( Art Directors Club ) ,Short List
„ Die schönsten deutschen Bücher„


Essence - Stars of the Rhön the Fine Art Show at the Vonderau Museum Fulda

Essence - Stars of the Rhön is a work that does not fit into any drawer. This is exactly the case with the new exhibition which can currently be seen in Fulda's most beautiful museum on 200 square meters spread over 2 floors.

The exhibition captivates through its variance Nature, landscape and people are presented in large format in sometimes touching, often provocative pictures. Frank Kayser shows his homeland from completely new angles. He makes us think and takes us on a wonderful journey through a landscape we have never seen before. He shows people rolling up their sleeves and combining tradition with innovation. The 4 elements of fire, water, earth and air structure the exhibition and adopt the structure from the award-winning book Essenz - Sterne der Rhön.

Awarded by the Type Directors Club NewYork, ADC (Art Directors Club), Short List
" The most beautiful German books"

Our work Conception / Production Printing and Set up

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the RBook @ Leica

Frank Kayser`s Fine Art Roadshow at Leica Headquarter

Frank Kayser stands for outstanding Photography as well as Leica does with their Products
he calls himself a Leica Ambassador
Leica says „with his Photographs and Fine Arts he combines the best of both worlds. For 16 months, the renowned automotive photographer accompanied the infamous „R Group“, one of the most famous Porsche clubs in California. Kayser documented his experiences and impressions with a Leica. The result is an authentic portrait that is just as uncompromising as the club itself.
His exhibition „The RBook Roadshow“ can be seen at Leica Welt from 14 May to 10 July 2023: in the special atmosphere of Café Leitz, in the Museum Shop and on the Campus. On display are not only unique sports cars and shapely designs, but members who preserve the spirit of the early years of motorsport. Working together on their cars and living the Californian dream on the road – no matter where they come from. Even though the brotherhood is strictly limited to 300 members: it is there for everyone. Just as the Porsche brand has been anchored in the heart of society since 1948. Just as Leica has been loved and used by professionals and amateur photographers alike since 1925. This connection is celebrated with the exhibition „The RBook Roadshow“ epicentre of the Leica 35mm camera.

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Porsche Christophorus Magazine
Andre `Lotterer

Another Cover Story Project for Porsches worldwide legendary magazine Christophorus this time with Racing Star Andre Lotterer.
Andre is one of the most successful racing drivers of our time and the four-time Le Mans 24h winner is a passionate collector of classic Porsches. He recovers from his stressful high-speed job on his tasteful estate in the south of France.

The 911 Carrera RS 2.7 glows blood orange like the sun as the gate to André Lotterer's estate opens. After blinking several times, the full panorama of this Provençal dream, which the racing driver calls his vacation home, emerges. Lavender bushes, cypresses, olive trees - and at the end of the driveway, a building that seems to have fallen out of time. Welcome to the outskirts of Gordes, the village that rises up on the hillside and tells its 1,000-year-old story from afar. Welcome to André Lotterer - Porsche works driver and owner of a special RS 2.7.

Our work Stills Photoshooting / all Production on site Provence France

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My Territory @ Leica Düsseldorf

The momentum and the photo location are elementary for Frank Kayser to create a good picture. Only through them is it possible to build up an exciting image composition and to take the viewer on a journey. He therefore carefully selects these locations and makes them his territory through his stringent, significant pictorial composition.
This is also the name of the exhibition at the Leica Galerie Düsseldorf. In his exhibition MY TERRITORY, Frank Kayser takes us on a very personal photographic journey, leading us through urban cityscapes, Californian dreams and – quite down-to-earth – through his home, the Rhön, to which he has dedicated his latest book ESSENZ Sterne der Rhön.

Our work Fine Art Printing Framing // curating

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“ Sterne der Rhön „

ist ein neues Format, eine kulinarisch sinnliche Exkursion, ein Genussbuch, AugenSchmaus und MundArt, eine Liebeserklärung an meine Heimat die Rhön.

Konzeption und Idee zum 308 Seiten starken Kopfkino stammen wie natürlich auch alle Fotos von Frank Kayser New Territories. Für die Gestaltung zeichnen Collect Visuelle Kommunikation verantwortlich.
Für die berührenden Texte das Autorenteam von Drüberschreiben aka Sela Miller und Daniela Gräfin von Pfeil sowie Bernd Loskant.

This self published book is a new format, a sensual culinary excursion, a book of delights, a feast for the eyes and mouth, a declaration of love to my homeland, the Rhön.

The concept and idea for the 308-page head cinema were created by Frank Kayser New Territories, as were all the photos, of course. Collect Visuelle Kommunikation is responsible for the design.
The touching texts were written by the team of authors from Drüberschreiben aka Sela Miller and Daniela Gräfin von Pfeil as well as Bernd Loskant.
store at
Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft. Woraus Landschaft gemacht ist, und was den Menschen nährt. Flüsse, Bäche, Seen, Moore. Erloschene Vulkane und das Feuer im Herd. Das Kochwasser, in dem die Mehlklöße ziehen. Die große Vielfalt der Geschmäcker und Aromen, dem kargen Erdboden und den Mager­rasen abgerungen. Kartoffeln, Getreide, Beeren, wilde Kräuter. Das Bier und der Schnaps. Oben am Berg, auf knapp 1000 Meter Höhe, steht das Weiderind im Wind und käut die Kräuter und den wilden Thymian geduldig wieder, bis die Salami nach Mittelmeer schmeckt. In der Rhön liegt der Zusammen­hang zwischen drinnen und draußen, zwischen geologischem Erbe und nachhaltiger Genusskultur auf der Zunge. Davon handelt dieses Buch. Es ist eine Wanderung durch Jahrmillionen Erdgeschichte. Über grüne Kuppen und schwarzes Basaltge­röll, an Streuobstwiesen und Fischteichen vorbei, zu Bäuerinnen und Bauern, damals und heute, zu Fürst­bischöfen, Pilgernden und Kurgästen, zu Lebensmittelhandwerkern mit Leidenschaft und zum Rhöner Sternekoch Björn Leist mit seinen Kochrezepten der „Rhöner Botschaft“. Eintauchen, sich verführen lassen, schauen, schmecken, genießen.

und als besonderes Highlight gibts die leckeren Rezepte von Sternekoch Björn Leist im Anhang des Buches

Our work Idea / production / for a Self published Book

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the RBOOK “ Roadshow „

Frank Kayser`s Multi Media Fine Artshow at Volkswagens Museum Zeithaus had more than 80.000 visitors within 4 months.

After our popular Porsche Book RGroup had already received many international awards and a great response in the press, it was time to present the pictures in their most beautiful form.
Under the motto "from the wall into the room" we developed
a 3 dimensional multi media show. In addition to the fantastic large-format fine art prints, the original voices of the protagonists from the movie can be heard. Frank Kayser`s Road Movies are shown on old tube televisions, creating a unique atmosphere in which you can feel the spirit of the American West Coast and the slogan "it`s not just a car club-it`s abrotherhood" comes to live.

Our work complete Setting up Exhibition all Planning all curatation of Fine Arts

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# the RBook

"a multi award winning one of a kind book" Frank Kayser´s Porsche bible is called "theRbook" and has already been hyped by the press. In order to have maximum freedom in the design and selection of content, Frank Kayser decided to finance and publish the book himself.

580 pages, 4900 grams, 3 types of paper, embossed and printed in a very complex way. All manufactured in Germany to very high standards. Mega pictures, cool guys, beautiful landscapes and interesting personal texts.

….that`s „theRBook”

The RBook describes the history of the “RGruppe” – the maybe most notorious Porsche Club of the U.S.A. The guys have been pimping their carts for decades and are something of the heroes of the Porsche scene worldwide. Not licked and polished, but alive are their old Porsche 911s. The RGruppe does what they feel like doing, and in a very casual way. The club is limited to 300 members, although 5000 RGruppe members would like to call themselves members.

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