Conceptional Photography & Film




born electric

a passage to SINGPORE







 One of the most modern, exciting, cultured and up-and-coming metropolises in the world .

Since 1952, Porsche’s own customer magazine Christophorus has been one of the world’s highest-circulation publications with around half a million copies in 16 countries. We had the pleasure and task of producing the new Cover Story and a 5 minute film for the Porsche 9:11 online format. 8 tireless days of production in a pulsating mix of Asian and European influences left their mark on our pictures.


Frank Kayser was responsible for                 Production  Photography  Filming Editing Music and Color Editing

magnifying sophisticated ultra modern. … that is SINGAPORE

For Porsche, the new fully electric Macan is one of the most important vehicle model innovations in recent years. The company has great hope in its fully electric mid-size SUV.
The car was presented in Singapore in a spectacular world premiere
In an elaborate photo/film production Frank Kayser and his team created a new look for the Porsche Macan.
” an aesthetically touching film clip was created presents the vibrant, future-oriented metropolis of Singapore in many facets”..

magnifying sophisticated ultra modern. … that is SINGAPORE

für Porsche ist der neue vollelektrische Macan eine der wichtigsten Fahrzeug Modell Neuerungen der letzten Jahre Der Konzern setzt große Hoffnung in seinen voll-elektrischen mid size SUV .
Der Wagen wurde in Singapore  in einer spektakulären Weltpremiere nun vorgestellt
Frank Kayser und sein Team schufen in einer aufwändigen neuen Foto Look für den Porsche Macan.Gleichzeit entstand ein äthetisch berührender Filmclip ,der die pulsierende zukunftsorientierte Metropole Singapor in vielen Facetten vorstellt.



from 25.January to 30.September 2024 at PEC

    with more than 80 large format Images

Porsche Experience Centre // Hockenheimring

The Porsche 911Dakar is a fun machine that offers borderline performance
in both rally and off-road mode
Track & Rally For more than 260 participants the opportunity to experience a superlative
event full of energy and
thrill on the race track and in the quarry.
In a multi-media image exhibition, we convey the pure pleasure and joy of the event
participants in pushing the
Porsche 911Dakar to its limits in rally and
off-road mode. Extraordinarily atmospheric images take visitors to the exhibition
on a journey.
Whether on the asphalt at the Hockenheimring in a Helicopter
or on the RallyCourse, a day full of fun and emotion.

Frank Kayser`s “Just Go and Play” a fine Art Exhibition

from 14.May to 10.July 2023 at Leica Welt  // Factory Headquarter Wetzlar

Leica says “With his photographs from “the RBook”, Frank Kayser combines the best of both worlds. For 16 months, the renowned automotive photographer accompanied the infamous “R Group”, one of the most famous Porsche clubs in California. Kayser documented his experiences and impressions with a Leica. The result is an authentic portrait that is just as uncompromising as the club itself.

His exhibition “The RBook Roadshow” can be seen at Leica Welt from 14 May to 10 July 2023: in the special atmosphere of Café Leitz, in the Museum Shop and on the Campus. On display are not only unique sports cars and shapely designs, but members who preserve the spirit of the early years of motorsport. Working together on their cars and living the Californian dream on the road – no matter where they come from. Even though the brotherhood is strictly limited to 300 members: it is there for everyone. Just as the Porsche brand has been anchored in the heart of society since 1948. Just as Leica has been loved and used by professionals and amateur photographers alike since 1925. This connection is celebrated with the exhibition “The RBook Roadshow” epicentre of the Leica 35mm camera.

Frankayser (born 1967) is one of the world’s most influential contemporary automobile and sports car photographers. Born in Hesse, he has developed a new kind of visual language with his photos that are full of power, but also full of little stories. Kayser combines his shoots like performances, he lives into his motifs and allows thunderous light and radical shadows to appear in his Kayser cosmos. His work is appreciated by all the major car manufacturers and is used above all to position sports cars.”




Frank Kayser`s “the RBook Roadshow”

Essenz – Sterne der Rhön  die Fine Art Show im Vonderau Museum Fulda

zu sehen vom 22.06 bis zum 01.09.2023

Essenz – Sterne der Rhön Ist ein Werk das in keine Schublade passt . Genau so verhält sich das mit der neuen Ausstellung welche momentan in Fuldas schönstem Museum  auf 200qm verteilt über 2 Stockwerke zu sehen ist.

Die Ausstellung besticht durch ihre Varianz Natur ,Landschaft und Menschen werden großformatig in manchmal berührenden oft provokanten Bildern präsentiert. Frank Kayser zeigt seine Heimat aus völlig neuen Blickwinkeln. Er stimmt zum nachdenken an und nimmt uns mit auf eine wundervolle Reise durch eine so bislang nicht gesehene Landschaft. Er zeigt Menschen die die Ärmel hochkrempeln und Tradition mit Innovation verbinden. Die 4 Elemente  Feuer ,Wasser, Erdeu und Luft gliedern die Ausstellung und übernehmen die Gliederung aus dem bereits mehrfach preisgekröhnten Buch Essenz – Sterne der Rhön.

Ausgezeichnet beim Type Directors Club NewYork , ADC ( Art Directors Club ) ,Short List
„ Die schönsten deutschen Bücher„


Frank Kayser`s “Essenz Fine Art Austellung”

from 10.February to 22.April 2023 at Leica Gallery Düsseldorf

The momentum and the photo location are elementary for Frank Kayser to create a good picture. Only through them is it possible to build up an exciting image composition and to take the viewer on a journey. He therefore carefully selects these locations and makes them his territory through his stringent, significant pictorial composition.
This is also the name of the exhibition at the Leica Galerie Düsseldorf. In his exhibition MY TERRITORY, Frank Kayser takes us on a very personal photographic journey, leading us through urban cityscapes, Californian dreams and – quite down-to-earth – through his home, the Rhön, to which he has dedicated his latest book ESSENZ Sterne der Rhön.


Das Momentum und die Foto Location sind für Frank Kayser elementar um ein gutes Bild entstehen zu lassen. Nur durch Sie ist es möglich eine spannende Bildkompostion aufzubauen und seinen Betrachter mit auf die Reise zu nehmen. Er wählt diese Locations deshalb sorgfältig aus und macht Sie durch seinen stringenten ,signifikanten Bildaufbau zu seinem Territory.
So auch der Name der Ausstellung in der Leica Galerie Düsseldorf. Frank Kayser nimmt uns in seiner Ausstellung MY TERRITORY auf eine sehr persönliche fotografische Reise mit, sie führt uns durch urbane Stadtlandschaften, kalifornische Träume und – ganz bodenständig – durch seine Heimat, die Rhön, der er sein neuestes Buch ESSENZ Sterne der Rhön gewidmet hat.


Frank Kayser at Leica Gallery Düsseldorf


Our new Multi Media Fine Artshow starts from 07.October 2022 at Museum Zeithaus  // Autostadt Wolfsburg so stay tuned for more Details….